The African Cities Journal is the first peer-reviewed journal that promotes a multi- and trans-disciplinary approach to urban studies in Africa, edited in two languages (English and French). In addition to promoting research on African cities and sustainable development, one of the journal's primary missions is to highlight innovative perspectives from various players based on this same continent, who have the advantage of direct contact with the field. In this sense, a large proportion of our editorial committee comprises experts from different African regions. 

We offer a broad palette of manuscript types, in academic and free formats, thus aiming to establish a platform for knowledge circulation between urban scholars and practitioners coming from different horizons. The journal is grounded on inclusive values and understands the need to preserve linguistic nuances; hence, we accept the submission of manuscripts written in English or French, according to the authors’ preference. 

Given the societal and spatial complexities of African cities, we welcome contributions from different disciplinary perspectives (e.g., geography, public health, or information technologies), as long as they address urban planning challenges faced in Africa. For research articles, we are particularly interested in studies that reflect on the practical implications of their findings, translating them into evidence-based recommendations for decision-makers. The Journal’s interests and scope include, but are not limited to, the following topics related to sustainable urbanization in the African context:

  • Applications of emerging technologies to urban challenges
  • Urbanization, Metropolisation, and urban systems
  • Urban youth and socio-economic challenges
  • Urban mobility and transportation
  • Environmental determinants of health and well-being in cities
  • Climatic risks and their implications for cities
  • Cities and ecosystem services 

The Journal accepts different manuscript types (original research, reviews, commentaries, project presentation, and letters to the editor) fitting the research scope described above. Moreover, the journal offers a manuscript type specifically designed for young researchers wishing to learn more about scientific writing and publishing (see all manuscript types in Author Guidelines).

We particularly encourage the submission of studies on applications of information and communication technologies of all types (high- and low-tech) to tackle relevant data gaps and better inform decision-making processes. Also, we encourage the submission of studies on the role of the youth and their growing access to digital technologies in tackling pressing sustainability challenges in African cities. 

Of note, the Journal is supported by the African Cities Labs, an e-learning platform that allows all stakeholders involved in the construction, development and operation in urban areas to access quality education on equitable urbanization to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Africa’s Agenda 2063.